Thursday, March 25, 2010

Sharing is Caring

Whenever my family goes out for dinner, we usually end up with a large bill and a ton of leftover food. In an effort to not waste money or food, we usually ask for "to-go" boxes. Unfortunately these "to-go" boxes usually either:
a. get spilled in the car,
b. get left behind in the car,
c. are found in the microwave a week later,
d. are found in the fridge 2 weeks later,
e. never make it off the kitchen counter, etc., etc.

Recently, my family had dinner out at Johnny Rockets. Without my prompting, everyone in the family paired up to share meals. . . .I was so impressed. No "to-go" boxes needed and a reasonable bill for dinner.

I think my family finally got the memo that we are in an economic downturn. . . . My son celebrated by springing for dessert. ♥♥♥

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