Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My husband is a Diva. . . Who knew?

One of the great aspects of marriage is learning something new about your spouse each day. Most recently I learned that my husband is a Diva!

It all started with a busy Friday. My husband flew in to LAX from a business trip. As we had discussed, as soon as he got back into town, we would go shopping for outfits for our girls for a Quinceñera that we would be attending on the following day. . . .
Of course, we knew about the Quinceñera for more than 3 months however, being traditional Latinos, we waited until 30 minutes before the outlet center closed on the day before the Quinceñera to do our shopping.

Our strategy: divide and conquer. I would shop for my older daughter, while my husband shopped for baby girl. Once I finished shopping, I went see if my husband had any success finding baby girl a dress. As my daughter and I entered The Children's Place, we quickly realized we had just stumbled into a major Diva throw down.

My husband had found the perfect dress for baby girl, with medias, and the perfect white shoes to match. Unfortunately, another parent became very confrontational insisting that the shoes my husband had in his hands were actually the shoes she had intended to purchase for her daughter's recital (of course, it was the last pair in that size).

After several verbal exchanges, let's just say that my husband walked away with the shoes and thus, the Diva crown!

1 comment:

  1. I been reading your blog for a few weeks and this post is my favorite so far :)
